Lisa BarleyTitle: Full-Time Lecturer in Management
Years at EMU: 23 years Why Did You Become An Educator? I wish contribute an understanding of effective business communication and integrous leadership to my students so that they feel confident to take actions to fulfill their dreams. Favorite Class You Teach @ EMU: MGMT 202: Business Communication What Is Something You Enjoy About EMU? EMU is a supportive environment which honors those students who have multi-faceted lives and works with them to find balance and empowers them to fulfill on their current and future dreams. What Do You Do Outside of EMU? Currently, I own a business with my husband Daniel Koster and we offer workshops in training people how to release their entire muscular system with cork yoga blocks (Aquarian Block Party, LLC). In the spirit of healing, I am currently taking a Bach Flower Remedy course and have a passion for gardening. I also serve on the board at the Manchester Community Resource Center serving those in need of food and financial relief. I am currently partnering with other board members and the director to provide job resources to help people with employment searches in the area. Surprising Facts About You: I was a freelance writer (1988-1992) for the Washington Report on Middle East Affairs and covered stories from the perspective Israel/Palestine children. My visits to Israel/Palestine led me and 2 others (Steve Sosebee – now President of the organization and his sister) to start a non-profit organization (Palestine Children’s Relief Fund- PCRF) in 1989 to help find medical treatment for Palestinian children suffering from wounds and medical conditions resulting from the Israeli-Palestine conflict. |