Theresa CzrnkovichTitle: Full-Time Lecturer, Student Teaching Supervisor
Years @ EMU: 12 years Why Did You Become an Educator? Kids have always amused and amazed me, so I began my professional life in 1993 as an elementary school teacher. In my 28 years in the field, I’ve had several different jobs including teaching fourth, fifth and sixth grades, adult education/GED, and as a PTL teaching Curriculum 304 at EMU. When the opportunity to work with student teachers in their capstone experience presented itself, I found my calling. Partnering with master teachers to mentor future educators is challenging, engaging, purposeful work; it is the best job I’ve ever had. Favorite Class You Teach @ EMU: Every semester, I work with 18 Early Childhood, Elementary and Secondary student teachers in the downriver area during their last field experience at EMU. Watching my students educate young people is a pretty fantastic way to spend a workday. I love that my students teach a wide variety of subjects and age groups--my job is never boring, and because I spend my days in classrooms with kids, I am guaranteed to see something funny or interesting every day! What Is Something You Enjoy About EMU? I am TRUEMU! I loved my time here as a student in the late 80s/early 90s. I have EMU to thank for my career as a teacher, then my second career as a supervisor. I have made many friends through EMU, including my best friend, who I met in a blind roommate draw 33 years ago. EMU continues to educate my family—my daughter Erin is in her senior year, majoring in Graphic Design, and my younger daughter Rachel wants to attend EMU to major in Orthotics and Prosthetics. EMU feels like home to me—when someone tells me they are coming to EMU, I say, “Welcome home!” What Do You Do Outside of EMU? I am always happiest doing anything social. My husband Mike and I have been married for 27 years and we have built a close family—even closer since we were all home together for 18 months due to the pandemic! My youngest child is 16, so I’m still volunteering with her school activities—I donate time to the Wyandotte Marching Band, and mentor the Wyandotte BearBots, the high school robotics team. I love hanging out with family and friends around a fire on my patio, enjoying great food, drink and conversation. When I want some quiet time, I read, scrapbook, cross-stich or cook, and I enjoy walking through my beautiful city, Wyandotte, which has the cutest downtown just 2 blocks from my house. I love our national parks and have a goal to visit all of them, though our travel has been put on hold in the last year and a half. Surprising Facts About You: I am an elected official! I was elected to the Wyandotte School Board in 2018 by just 25 votes. It has been time consuming and challenging to serve during a global pandemic, but I believe I bring a unique viewpoint that is an asset to the district. Serving as a trustee has given me experience in yet another facet of education, and I work hard to be a strong advocate for students, teachers and families. I am deeply invested in public education for an informed citizenry, and I am proud to play a part in that important aspect of our democracy. |